Free programs, apps and utilities for the Windows operating system.
After successfully activating OS Windows operating system, you will need free programs for daily use. We have selected the most interesting Windows applications for you. File managers, system utilities, text editors, browsers, audio and video editors and many other free programs.

ONLYOFFICE is a very popular office software package that will be an excellent alternative and replacement for more famous and popular utilities like Microsoft Office.
StatPlus is a utility for performing automatic statistical analysis that works with tabular data. About the StatPlus Pro program The set of tools of the
Youtube Downloader HD is a useful tool that allows you to download videos from the Youtube service. The program has an easy and intuitive service, due
Malwarebytes Adwcleaner is a fairly convenient application that is necessary if you need to remove advertising panels, plugins and other not very pleasant
BWMeter is a very powerful and high-tech software that performs the most accurate monitoring of the network activity of a personal computer.
Zer0 is a utility with a small installation size, with which you can remove from the hard disk or from any removable media those files that are unnecessarily
Gamma Panel is a software with which it is possible to change the color gamut, as well as the brightness on the monitor. You can change the graphical
XML Notepad is a program that allows you to interact with XML files. The interface is very similar to the Windows operating system notepad.
Reg Organizer is a program designed to improve the quality of Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, configure and optimize installed applications, as well as clean unnecessary files.
UltraSearch is a program for accelerated search of any files on NTFS disk storage. The program is open source. About UltraSearch Despite the limitations